Area Authority Speaks to Missionaries at the MTC
President Robison, president of the Ghana MTC, is quite communicative. (Thank you!) Almost daily he (or someone) posts on the Ghana MTC blog. He also posts on Facebook often. Today he posted the above photo (which includes our happy Elder Hall) with the following comments:
Elder and Sister Vinson spoke to your missionaries today in the Area Devotional. Elder Vinson is the First Counselor in the Africa West Area Presidency and is the first General Authority from Australia.
He added this quote on the blog:
Today Elder and Sister Vinson addressed the missionaries about the importance of the Sabbath Day during the Area Devotional. “Far too often, missionaries in the field are more focused on waiting for the late arrival of their investigators for Sacrament Meeting, than they are about the real purpose of the meeting. This is also very distracting to the members,” said both Elder and Sister Vinson.