But If Ye Will Turn to the Lord
Photo: Baptisms!
Jane and Raymond were baptized. Raymond even shared his testimony! The elders are working hard with Mabel and her children. They are also working with members to find others to teach.
Elder Hall’s email:
Subject: But If Ye Will Turn to the Lord
Hello Everyone!
This past week was good! We had a baptism yesterday where two of our amazing investigators Jane and Raymond were baptized! Mabel and her children were not, but we will try our best to see her and help her! I know that she was honestly excited for the baptism. We will continue to work with her. We have a few people that we are preparing for baptism on the 3rd of September so in just a couple of weeks! I am very excited and know that if Elder Schmanksi and I continue to work hard and rely on the Lord that we will be able to accomplish the work the Lord has for us. We are of course trying to find more people that could be possible candidates near the end of September! We will be working with the members to find those that have been prepared!
Mosiah 7:33
33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.I’ve been blessed to meet some wonderful people that truly have turned to the Lord and they are much better for it. I know that it could be the same with anyone. Even Raymond who was baptized yesterday bore his testimony that the Lord and His gospel has really helped Him improve and be happier. I know that it’s done that for him because he has turned to the Lord even with full purpose of heart. He is know the better off for it. I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Hall